Students, faculty, and staff who use motor vehicles on campus are responsible for complying with TCNJ’s parking regulations which include the proper registration, use, and operation of vehicles in accordance with the traffic and parking regulations promulgated by the Board of Trustees pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-208.
Yearly Parking Instructions
- Student Parking
- Faculty/Staff Parking
- Graduate Assistant Parking
- Student Medical Exception Parking
- Weekly Permit Parking
- Visiting Aquatics Parking
Citations for the same violation, in the same location, may not be issued to a vehicle within 24 hours. Citations for different violations may be issued to a vehicle within 24 hours.
Vehicles that have three (3) or more citations outstanding will be immobilized via a tire boot or towed from the campus. The tire boot will be removed only when all outstanding citations are paid in full. If the vehicle is towed, the owner or operator of the vehicle is responsible for all towing costs.
Citations are to be paid or appealed within thirty (30) days. Citations are considered outstanding while pending appeal. As such, all pertinent charges will be reflected on the student or employee’s PAWS account for payment.
The cost of citation violations, fines, and permits are presented to the Board of Trustees for approval annually.
To be considered registered and allowed parking on campus, all vehicles must bear a visible, valid, unexpired decal or placard whenever the vehicle is parked on campus.
In order to receive a parking permit, all outstanding parking fees / fines (i.e. citations and permits) must be paid in full.
In order to obtain a permit or decal from the Office of Student Accounts, the vehicle’s state registration card (the original, a copy, or a photo) must be presented the first time the vehicle is registered with TCNJ. When picking up a decal ordered online, the registration card must be presented.
Employee and student decals must be mounted on the inside of the side-rear window behind the driver. If an individual’s vehicle has tinted windows, removable back windows, or no back windows, he or she may request a decal to be mounted on the driver’s side of the back bumper. Individuals with placards must have the permit visible, and displayed on the driver’s side of the dashboard.
Permits are non-transferrable. Placards are only valid for the license plate(s) listed on the placard, and decals are not to be transferred when a new vehicle is obtained.
Students are eligible for one (1) vehicle decal and one (1) motorcycle decal. The motorcycle decal is no additional cost when the student first purchases a vehicle decal. If a student only wants a decal for a motorcycle, the decal will be sold at the same cost of a vehicle decal.
Students are responsible for notifying Parking Service via written communication if they no longer need or want a parking decal that has been ordered and not picked up. Failure to do so will result in the student being charged for the parking decal and not being eligible for a refund or pro-ration of the decal price.
Any and all refunds that a student is eligible for as related to parking decals will be issued based upon the College’s academic year refund policy.
First year residential students are not permitted to have a vehicle on campus for a full semester or academic year. A “first year” student is based on the number of semesters a student has attended college, not the number of academic credits the student has. A transfer student that has completed two semesters at another institution is permitted to have a vehicle on campus. Students who would like an exception to this rule may fill out the “Parking Policy Exception Request Form” found on the Parking Services website. Details of what exceptions may or may not be considered are also located on that web page.
All students are permitted to purchase two (2) weeks of parking per semester from the Office of Student Accounts.
Residential upperclassmen who do not purchase a permit for the full semester or academic year may purchase two (2) weeks of parking per semester from the Office of Student Accounts.
Employees are eligible for two (2) vehicle decals and one (1) motorcycle decal at no cost.
Vehicle decals that are hole-punched over the expiration date are valid only for the fall semester. Motorcycle decals will have one hole-punch over the year in which the decal expires. Motorcycle decals with multiple hole-punches are invalid.
A parking day permit may be provided to anyone who has a valid parking permit, but is driving a different vehicle. To obtain a day permit, please visit Campus Police, the Information Booth, or Parking Services. Individuals driving a different car for an extended period of time must present the registration card to Parking Services. Parking Services will issue a dashboard placard that can be used for the entire time the alternate vehicle is driven.
Students who are expecting visitors or guests on campus should advise them to proceed to the Information Booth and obtain a day permit before parking on campus. Visitors and guests may park in the Visitor lot, or lots 3, 5-7 with a temporary permit displayed. The Information Booth is open during the academic year Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If the Booth is closed or unstaffed, the visitor must go to Campus Police in the Administrative Services Building for a permit.
During weekends in the academic year (weekend is defined as Friday 4:00 p.m. through Sunday 9:00 p.m.) students with a valid decal are to remain parked in their assigned lot while visitors may park in the following lots without a parking permit: Visitor, 3, 5, 6, 7*, 10, and 17.
*The weekend hours for lot 7 end 10:00 a.m. on Monday.
Designated Parking
Authorized parking spaces on campus are marked with borderlines. Parking outside these lines is strictly prohibited.
Students, faculty, and staff must park in designated parking lots at all times, unless otherwise instructed by an official campus email (i.e. construction, a special event).
Visitor and service vehicle spaces require a specific visitor or service parking permit. Students, faculty, and staff are not permitted to park in these spaces with regular TCNJ decals.
Vehicles bearing valid UC and GC decals are not permitted to park on campus between 2:30 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Monday through Friday during the regular academic year. If a commuter student does need to stay on campus between these hours, an overnight parking permit can be obtained from Campus Police in the Administrative Services Building.
Designated handicapped parking spaces are available on campus. Only individuals with state issued handicapped parking permits may park in the handicapped parking spaces on campus. The Office of Parking Services does not issue handicapped parking permits. Students who have handicapped permits will need to be registered with either Disability Support Services or Student Health Services and pay for a TCNJ permit in order to gain access to the handicapped spaces in gated parking lots. Visitors or guests, with state issued handicapped permits, may park in any marked handicapped parking spaces, displaying their handicapped permit, without a TCNJ permit.
Students that need special parking accommodations (e.g. closer parking to buildings) due to medical conditions must speak with the Accessibility Resource Center in order to get these accommodations approved. If the medical condition is temporary (e.g. physical therapy for an injury), please contact Student Health Services for parking arrangements.
A raised parking gate must not be misinterpreted as the institution providing motorists permission to park in a lot for which an individual does not normally have access.
The use of hazard lights, or flashers, does not authorize a vehicle to park in front of a building, any designated space, or other location. Hazard lights, or flashers, signify a disabled vehicle.
All disabled vehicles must be reported to Campus Police to prevent ticketing and towing.
Individuals requiring to load or unload their vehicles to/from a residence hall or academic building must obtain a loading/unloading permit from Campus Police or Parking Services in order to park in an undesignated area.
If a snow emergency is declared, an official TCNJ email will be sent to the campus community. Vehicles will have to be moved from the tops of the parking garages and there will be no parking on the flat lots between midnight and 6:00 a.m. for the duration of the snow emergency.
Motorists are reminded that ticketing will be enforced at all times in no parking zones, faculty/staff lots, and assigned areas, with the exception of displaying a permit in accordance with the above noted weekend rules. Any lot closures or suspension of ticketing will be communicated via campus wide email.