Temporary parking permits may be obtained with the stipulation that a valid state vehicle registration certificate is presented and under the following circumstances only:
Temporary Replacement Vehicle
If a vehicle not registered with the Office of Parking Services is brought on campus as a temporary replacement vehicle for one previously registered, a temporary parking permit must be obtained at the Office of Student Accounts.
Loading, Unloading, Pick-Up, Drop-Off
Temporary permits may be obtained from Campus Police or the Office of Student Accounts for loading, unloading, pick-up, and drop-off in otherwise “no parking” areas with the exception of the following areas: fire hydrants or zones, handicapped spaces, walkways or by dumpsters. This type of permit will be valid for a maximum of one hour, unless otherwise specified on the permit.
Medical Requests
Special (medical) parking permits will be issued by the Office of Student Accounts upon written verification/approval from Student Health Services. Please contact Student Health Services or visit their website to initiate the process.
The College of New Jersey is not allowed to issue handicap parking placards at any time or for any reason. If you feel you are entitled to a permanent or temporary handicap placard, you may only apply through the state. For handicap parking through New Jersey, please visit http://www.state.nj.us/mvc/Vehicle/handicapped_Apply.htm
- Once a temporary permit is obtained, it must be displayed in plain view on the dashboard of the vehicle on the driver’s side. Failure to display the permit may result in the issuance of a citation.
- Parking permits issued do not entitle or authorize parking in spaces marked for handicapped persons.
- Altering or counterfeiting temporary permits is punishable by state law. Issuance of a citation and/or towing may result.