The fees for parking offenses are listed below. The college community will be notified of any fee changes that may arise.
- All penalties must be paid or appealed within thirty (30) business days of the ticket date. Payments may be made at the Office of Student Accounts. In the event that the office is closed, boot removal fines may be paid at Campus Police with cash or certified check.
- Chronic/repeat offenders will be subject to cancellation of their current decal registration and denial of future decal registration privileges.
- Students who fail to pay outstanding fines may be denied further academic registration at the college. Additionally, class schedules may be deleted. Chronic/Repeat offenders will be subject to disciplinary action which may include suspension from the college. Any member of the campus community who fails to pay outstanding fines will be denied future vehicle registration until such time as full restitution of the outstanding debt has been made.